Markdown Showcase

All comments are parsed as Markdown. TypeDoc uses the markdown-it markdown parser to convert comments to HTML.

TypeDoc also supports including arbitrary Markdown documents in your site. These can be top level documents added with the --projectDocuments option or added with the @document tag.

You can link to other classes, members or functions using an inline link tag. See the TypeDoc documentation for details.

Some inline code: npm install --save-dev typedoc

A TypeScript code block:

// A fabulous variable
const x: number | string = 12

See syntaxHighlightingShowcase | syntaxHighlightingShowcase for more code blocks.

  • 🥚 Eggs
  • 🍞 Bread
  • 🧀 Swiss cheese
Package Version
lodash 4.17.21
react 17.0.2
typedoc 0.22.4

A Random Shakespeare Quote

Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace, Profaners of this neighbour-stained steel,-- Will they not hear? What, ho! you men, you beasts, That quench the fire of your pernicious rage With purple fountains issuing from your veins